by bnadmin | Dec 28, 2018 | Resolution
For years, I vowed I would never make a resolution. I guess I’m not alone, based on this statistic from (see last resolution): We get to the end of the year though, and wether or not you formally make any resolution, you might think, “Well,...
by bnadmin | Mar 12, 2018 | Gut Health
Probiotics Biologists have long known that the bacteria, protozoa, fungi, yeast, and other microbes that inhabit the guts of all animals can play a key role in their ability to survive. Examples: Termites cannot digest cellulose and so they depend on gut microbes to...
by bnadmin | Aug 30, 2017 | Nutrition
The term clean eating is very popular nowadays, but what does “clean eating” even mean? Margaret McCartney, GP, notes in the British Medical Journal, “The command to eat cleanly implies that everyone else is filthy, being careless with their bodies and lives. It comes...
by bnadmin | Jun 18, 2016 | Eating Disorders, Wellness
Struggling with food is never easy. How many nights will it take of going to bed resolving to be “better” or go on a diet the next day? Then, the next day comes, and the first grumble sends anxiety through your body. What should you eat? What could you...