June is Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month!
You’ve likely heard the recommendation to eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables daily for best health. New advice is leaning more towards eating 5 servings of each.
Current guidelines for adults advise eating 5 cups of fruits and vegetables per day (divided into 3 cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruit) in order to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, stroke, and other chronic illnesses. While this is still good advice, lead researcher Dr. Dagfin Aune sought to learn how many servings of fruits and vegetables were needed for the best protection against all diseases and premature death. After analyzing over 95 studies that examined the health benefits of fruits and vegetables, London researchers concluded that 800 grams of daily fruits and vegetables (roughly equivalent to 10 portions) was linked to the lowest risk of premature death and disease. The most healthful produce included apples, pears, green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables. These findings were recently published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
The researchers discovered that, compared to eating zero fruit and vegetable servings, those consuming 200 grams (equivalent to 2 ½ servings per day) of these foods had a 15% reduction in risk for premature death. In subjects consuming 800 grams per day or 10 portions (compared to none), a 31% reduction in early death was seen as well as a 33% lower risk for stroke, 28% reduced risk for CVD, 24% lower risk for heart disease, and 33% reduction in cancer risk. The researchers suggest that 7.8 million deaths could be prevented if people regularly consumed 10 servings of fruits and vegetables.
Reduction in cancer deaths was associated with consumption of green, yellow and cruciferous vegetables such as green beans, carrots, bell peppers, cabbage, and broccoli. For reducing risk of CVD, researchers found that apples, pears, citrus fruit, green leafy vegetables, and cruciferous vegetables were associated with less risk. The authors theorize that antioxidants from fruit and vegetable consumption protects DNA from damage, which may result in lower cancer risk.
But enough about background — let’s get to these riddles from Hollis Bass, MEd, RD, LD. Hollis designed this quiz to highlight especially nutritious fruits and vegetables packed with anti-inflammatory, disease fighting antioxidants and phytonutrients
The June Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Quiz
- You love me in a muffin and as dessert, too; small, plump, and juicy, my color is blue.
________________________ - Watch out for thorns when you pick this treat; it’s a berry, both black and sweet.
________________________ - With my reputation, I’m a “stinking rose;” vampire-slayers wear me under their clothes.
________________________ - Growing in wind, snow, sleet, or hail, you should try this green called _____.
________________________ - Breakfast, lunch, dessert, or dinner, I’m a great berry that’s always a winner!
________________________ - A leafy green that’s tried and true; try it raw or fresh-cooked too.
________________________ - This “baby cabbage” is named for a city in Europe; don’t wrinkle your nose, just eat it all up.
________________________ - Eat this for breakfast, lunch, or snack; eat it in a corner, just like Jack.
________________________ - I’m a handsome white veggie that’s truly a flower. I remind you of broccoli and bring phyto-power!
________________________ - People eat green flowers, which are oh-so-delicious; here’s the most popular veggie cruciferous.
________________________ - Red and sweet, I’m a vegetable treat.
________________________ - In popularity, I’m number three; apples and bananas are more loved than me.
________________________ - Red or green, I grow on a vine; besides a great snack, I make raisins and wine.
________________________ - My cousins are hot, but I’m red and sweet. On tacos and salads, I just can’t be beat.
________________________ - Small, round, and juicy, still I’m no berry. Life’s the pits without a _____.
________________________ - A fuzzy brown bird gave me my name. Without my green color, fruit salad’s not the same.
________________________ - Don’t go on a diet just to eat me. I’m a citrus fruit, tasty as can be!
________________________ - I make you cry, but you’re not sad. Peel me and use me — your heart will be glad.
________________________ - Canned, popped, or on the cob, here’s a little kernel that can do any job.
________________________ - Named for an egg, classed as a berry, I’m a purple veggie that will make your heart merry.
1. Blueberry, 2. Blackberry, 3. Garlic, 4. Kale, 5. Strawberry,
6. Spinach, 7. Brussels sprouts, 8. Plum, 9. Cauliflower, 10. Broccoli,
11. Beets, 12. Orange, 13. Grapes, 14. Red pepper, 15. Cherry,
16. Kiwi fruit, 17. Grapefruit, 18. Onion, 19. Corn, 20. Eggplant.
Summer is the easiest time to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. After all, at this time of year, so many fresh fruits and veggies are in season and at their peak of flavor. Remember to mix in as many colors and varieties of fresh vegetables and fruits to make sure you maximize the number of phytonutrients and antioxidants consumed. In other words: Eat The Rainbow!
To learn more about how to build and maintain a healthy body, increase your athletic performance, or to simply sustain a lifestyle of healthy eating with a positive mindset, contact me at 973.852.3335