
heart2Beth Candela, MA, RDN, CLT, CSSD, ACSM EP-C, is owner of B3yond Nutrition, LLC, a nutrition consulting practice that helps individuals, teams, and organizations achieve their nutrition, fitness, and wellness goals.

My practice is designed to give you the personal attention you deserve. Whether you are sedentary, or want to improve your athletic performance, an adolescent, student, parent, starting life with your best friend or just starting a family, an executive looking to stay sharp, focused, and energized, or heading for retirement, we can work together to create an action plan to help you achieve your nutrition, fitness, and wellness goals.

Each program is individually tailored to help you reach your personal health and fitness goals. You will receive the most current research and science – not fads, diet trends, or plans that lower your metabolic rate, zap your energy, or those which increase your potential for injury. We will work together to empower you and help you to be the best you!