We know we are supposed to eat our fruits and vegetables; limit fried and processed foods, exercise, and take time for ourselves, but how? These choices can be hard to commit to. In this program, we will work together to create an empowering individual plan to help you reach your personal nutrition, fitness, and wellness goals.
Throughout the individual counseling sessions, you will learn how to set healthy, realistic, achievable goals, and develop a positive relationship with food and exercise.
Together, we can work on any food struggles you might have including:
- Cravings
- Sugar addiction
- Emotional eating
Together, we can work to address individual needs for medical nutrition therapy to prevent or treat chronic illness, including but not limited to:
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes (including pre-diabetes and gestational diabetes)
- Gastrointestinal diseases (Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Dowel Syndrome, and Leaky Gut Syndrome)
- Food sensitivities and allergies
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Obesity
Depending on your goals, sessions can include, but are not limited to:
- Personalized Nutrition Plan
- Strategies to manage weight
- Techniques to avoid and/or manage pitfalls that can ruin your best intentions
- Portion management
- Mindful vs Emotional Eating
- Build a healthy, positive relationship with food
- Enjoy social situations with food
- Tips to improve self-image
- Review of home eating environment and habits
- A Healthy Kitchen: Includes healthy staples, recipes, and menus
- Cooking together – Got a new recipe? Let’s cook together
- Gaining confidence in choosing and preparing better food for yourself and your family
- Grocery store tour
- Decipher Package Claims, Food Labels
- Ingredients that create food cravings
- Simple solutions to increase fitness and activity level
- Encouraging motivational life strategies
Ready to get started?
Let’s set up a free discovery session to discuss your goals!