Whether you are planning to be married, just found out you’re expecting, or are married with children…

healthy family



This program is designed to help you and your family live healthy, nutritious, energized lives.

Practicing healthy eating and exercise routines is essential to establishing a foundation of healthy living for you, your spouse, and your children that will last a lifetime.

Families face many obstacles that challenge their intentions to stay healthy, lean, rested, and strong! Children need adult support and proper education to make good food choices, but how will they learn if their caregivers don’t have the proper tools or strategies to help them?

The following strategies offered in this program are designed to meet your needs and your family’s needs:

fresh food

Meal Planning and Portion Control:

• Establish how to design your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for optimal energy and health• Learn the difference between serving size and portion control.

Struggling with weight issues?

• Learn how to develop a healthy body image, healthy eating behaviors, and healthy relationships with food.• Explore essentials of physical activity: aerobic endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, as well as how much, how often?

Food Allergies and Sensitivities:

As someone who has struggled with an auto-immune disease my entire life, I know first hand how important it is to recognize and avoid food allergies, triggers, and sensitivities, while trying to stay nourished. Often there are several approaches, with meal planning being a necessary priority.

This program will address:• Allergy and Auto-immune Disorder Analysis• Meal planning resources• Food fears and picky eating• Family friendly recipes• Serving size and Portion control• How can I get my children to eat more/less?

Young Athletes

tennis-player-676310_1280• Young athletes need to support growth and development while fueling their sport.• Determine ideal body weight and body fat for optimum sport performance• Develop nutrition and nutrient timing strategies to fuel their young bodies before, during, and after practicesand competitions.• Don’t let nutrition be the missing piece to their ultimate success in sport.


What is appropriate for children, or caregivers?How much, how often, what type?Strategies to find what works for you and your family

Additional Strategies Include:

• Grocery Store Tours• How to Read Nutrition Fact Labels• Kitchen Pantry and Refrigerator Basics• Organic vs Conventional• Juicing Pro’s and Con’s• Food Safety• Recipe Modification• Meal Planning and Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Mini Meals and Snacks


On-site sessions not practical? I can work with you through phone consultations, or on-line.